Hassocks United Reformed Church Bulletin
February 2025 Issue number 41


Sunday services at 10.30am:
02 February  Dr Graham Campling
09 February  The Revd David Cumbers. Communion
16 February  Mr Stuart Dew
23 February A family service led by church members


Shorter Thursday services at 10.30am:
06 February  Mrs Heather McNiven
13 February  Mrs Claire Levin
20 February  Dr Graham Campling. Communion
27 February  The Revd David Cumbers


Refreshments are served after both services.


Messy Church and church Coffee. Saturday 8 February.


Bible Study. Monday 10 February. Small hall. 11am. John 2.1-11. Water into Wine: Your verdict.  Note: This is a temporary departure from our journey through John's gospel.

Notes from the January Church Meeting:



Contacting the minister: [email protected] or 07732 759529



Hassocks United Reformed Church Bulletin
January 2025 



Sunday services at 10.30am:
05 January   The Revd Peter Scotland
12 January    The Revd David Cumbers. Communion
19 January    The Revd David Cumbers. The Annual Church Meeting follows the service.
26 January    Mrs Heather McNiven


Shorter Thursday services at 10.30am:
2 January      Mrs Heather McNiven
9 January      Mrs Annette Squire
16 January    The Revd David Cumbers. Communion
23 January    Dr Graham Campling
30 January    Mr Stuart Dew


Refreshments are served after both services.


Colin Robinson died on 8 December after a short illness. Colin  was the founder and inspiration of our Monday Bible Study group and had continued to be an enthusiastic attender and participant, despite his acute hearing difficulties. His funeral will be at the Sussex and Surrey Crematorium, Balcombe Road, Crawley, RH10 3NQ (Worth) on Wednesday 8 January at 11.30 am.  Colin's dauthghter, Kathryn, has thanked the church for the support we gave to her dad.  


The Revd John Pritchard. It seems a long while since October, when John died, but we will remember him and give thanks for his life in a service at 2.30pm on Sunday 12 January. Light refreshments will be served after the service.

Joan Miles.
Following the news of Joan’s death on 24 November, as reported in the last Bulletin, we can now report that the funeral will be at our church at 1.30pm on Tuesday 14 January. The service will be led by our minister, David. Refreshments will follow at the Thatched Inn.

Our own Keith Cook starred in an ITV Good Morning Britain feature in December, as the passenger in a Hassocks trishaw, which offers rides in the local area as part of the Cycling Without Age network Hurst & Hassocks - Cycling Without Age  Congratulations Keith !


Bible Study is on Monday 13 January in the small hall at 11am. John chapter 10.


Contacting the minister: [email protected] or 07732 759529


Technology gone mad? According to media reports, worshippers can now confess their sins face to face with Jesus – or at least with an AI version. The hologram interprets questions and formulates a response. In more than 100 different languages. It is the work of a church in Switzerland.