The Church
The church meets for worship for all ages every Sunday at 10.30am. The service normally includes Holy Communion on the second Sunday and the third Thursday of each month. Both services are followed by refreshments. The service includes Holy Communion on the first Sunday and the third Thursday of each month. Baptisms, dedication of children, weddings and funerals take place by arrangement. House groups meet midweek for Bible study and discussion.
The pastorate profile for Hassocks, Burgess Hill and Haywards Heath United Reformed churches can be read here.
The church's Data Privacy Statement is available here.
Many local organisations use the premises. To enquire about bookings, contact Sally Haines at [email protected]

From The Stoneywish Collection
Perhaps the best-known worshipper in the church’s history was the inventor Magnus Volk, founder of Volks Electric Railway which still runs along Brighton seafront. He designed the church hall, which was erected in 1907, and also invented a blower for the church organ, driven by water power.
During the 1939-45 war, the hall was used as a classroom for children evacuated from London; later there were several further extensions, as the congregation grew.
Our Mission Statement
Today, the witness to God continues, with the congregation and the building being very much at the heart of village life. The church’s theology could be described as broadly-based and open-minded. Our Mission Statement says:
We believe in the good news of Jesus Christ. We seek to understand God’s word for today and to share God’s love in service and witness to the community.
We are committed to:
- Provide an environment that is welcoming, caring and accessible to all.
- Make the facilities of our church available for the use of the community, as well as our own activities.
- Offer guidance and teaching to those who seek deeper meaning in their lives, and space to those wishing to explore spirituality , giving time to anyone who just wants, or needs, to talk.
- Nurture the spiritual development of all who attend, to enable them to use their gifts and play a full part in the life and mission of our church - taking part in services or assisting in other activities.
- Develop work among young people and families , for instance with baby, toddler and after school groups.
- Extend opportunities for varying forms of worship, prayer and reflection.
- Continue to serve our community, looking for more ecumenical opportunities.
- Respond to the worldwide needs of God's people by supporting agencies which strive to combat injustice and poverty.